Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Last week I went to hospital to have laparoscopic surgery to remove a large ovarian cyst. Therefore I've spent the last week sitting in bed recovering from the three cuts in my belly. I've had a lot of problems this year and now they seem to all be finally coming to an end. To celebrate this I've decided to get a new look by getting my hair done. Here is a quick hair history. Commence incredibly cringey pictures of younger me:

I think I was about 17 here. My hairs been all sorts of random colours like purple and green and to cover these up I had dyed it black at home. One day I decided to go to the hairdressers for once in my life and I had black on top with red underneath. Check out the sexy overplucked eyebrows, nice!

This grew out a bit, the black faded to brown and the red faded to ginger. I'd been suspended once for dying my hair at school so when I finished my A-Levels I decided to bleach my hair. I went to Taylor Taylor in London and it cost a lot, but my hairdresser did a great job.

This was at the end of the 1st year at uni. Despite moving to Leeds, I still always journeyed back to London to get my hair done. My hair was long and blonde but incredibly damaged and dry.

So over that Summer, I went for the chop! I loved this style and despite my big face, it looked pretty good.

Heres the same look a bit more grown out. It lost some of the asymmetry but I really liked how my hair looked here. I think this was also when I was at my thinnest so this was a good time for me in general.

When I went back to London in April 2009 my hairdresser asked if she could put a pink toner in my hair for a change. I agreed and loved the results, even if they were a bit bright. My boyfriend hated it and we got some weird looks when we went on a date in Sheffield - me with bright pink hair and him with a bright pink t-shirt!

This was in Summer 2009. The blonde had grown out, my roots were horrendous and Andy didn't want me to go back to London at all. I'd gone to Vidal Sassoon in Leeds once to get my roots done which was a disaster (they suck, never go there!) so I wasn't prepared to go through that again. Andy said he thought I would look good as a brunette so...

I went to West Row in Leeds and had my hair dyed back to brown and cut in a very short crop. The hairdresser had to put red in it to stop it from fading so it had a nice sheen. It was cool but I still yearned for my old blonde :( Unfortunately I couldn't do anything about it because I got pregnant and hair dye is said to be bad for the baby.

And this is me right now. The brown grew out and most of my hair now is my natural colour - something I hadn't seen since before I started dying my hair at age 9. The ends have faded back to a blondish colour so it looks like I have Ombre hair but it just looks horrible on me. I hate it so much, so I just tie it up most of the time now. Its grown out a lot and is past my shoulders so I really need it cutting. Plus I've had loads of post-pregnancy hair loss, its just a mess and looks crap.
I've picked out the salon I want to go to (Cutting Room Creative in Leeds) and I'm getting rid of my shitty hair. I want to go back to blonde but this time with a definite grey/blue tint to it. Not sure what to do with the length. I might get it cut shorter because I tried to cut my own fringe which messed it up even more. At least then I can get some white blonde extensions and it might look half decent. I need some help though so, opinions please?